How do you have a newborn session during national lockdown?

This was the question I was asking myself as I had to postpone a photo session for a client of mine. The problem is that babies don't stay little for very long, it is only a matter of weeks before they have grown out of the newborn phase. So although my client was happy to wait for the lockdown to end, I wanted to be able to capture some photos for her while her little one was still little!

So I came up with a solution, an online photo session!

Through the help of a clever little app I was able to connect with my clients phone, and could talk her through how to pose her baby and which angle was the best to get the shot, all without either of us needing to leave our houses!

an unedited image from a newborn baby photo shoot in didcot where the baby is looking at the camera
an edited photo of a baby laying on her back looking at the camera from a photo shoot by verity thewlis photography
a toddler girl smiles while resting her head on her newborn baby sister during a photoshoot in didcot
a photo of a toddler girl with her newborn baby sister from a photoshoot in didcot

After our virtual session, I uploaded the images to my computer and edited them, as I would with any normal photo shoot. As you can see we were even able to get the big sister involved, which is a precious image for this family to treasure, and I am excited to see how much baby will have grown by the time they will be able to come in for their photo session.

Here is a selection of the photos we were able to get, they did a fantastic job of following my instructions and I am so happy to have been able to capture these images for them. Wouldn't it be such a shame to not get some beautiful photos of your baby while they are still little.